4 Years B.Sc, BBS, and B.Ed. 4th Year 2077 Exam Schedule - Tribhuvan University

4 Years B.Sc, BBS, and B.Ed. 4th Year 2077 Exam Schedule - Tribhuvan University

4 Years B.Sc., BBS, and B.Ed 4th Year 2077 Exam Schedule (Exam Routine)

Tribhuvan University, Examination Controller Office, Balkhu Exam Schedule of 4 Years B.Sc., B.B.S. & B.Ed 4th year 2077

To be operated by Tribhuvan University, Examination Control Office, Balkh in 2077 BS; As the examinations will be conducted as per the following schedule for the candidates of 4th year (B.Sc., BBS and B.Ed.) fourth year Regular and Partial examinations from the Institute of Science and Technology, Faculty of Management and Faculty of Education This information has been published for the information of all concerned.

4 Year's B.Sc. 4th Year Exam Routine:


Subjects/Code No.


Code No.401; Bot. Chem.Env. Sc.Geology Meteorology Math. Microbiology Physics Stat. Zoology


Code No.402; Mathematics


Code No.403; Bot. Chem.Env. Sc.Geology Meteorology: (Regular -Engineering Hydrology, Back -  Climate Change) Math. Microbiology Physics Stat. Zoology


Code No.404; Mathematics


Code No.407; Interdisciplinary:  Bot. Chem.Env. Sc.Geology Meteorology Math. Microbiology Physics Stat. Zoology


Code No.405; Applied Science:  Bot. Chem.Env. Sc.Geology Meteorology : (Regular - Atmospheric Pollution Climate Change, Back -Applied Hydrology) Math. Microbiology Physics Stat. Zoology


Code No.408; Computational Course


Code No.408; Math. (Mathematical Eco.)


Code No. 409; Mathematical Modeling

4 Year's BBS 4th Year Exam Routine:


Subjects/Code No.


MGT-220 Entrepreneurship and Enterprise Development


MGT-221 Business Research Methods


ACC-250 Accounting for Banking FIN- 250 Fundamentals of Corporate Finance MKT- 250 Fundamentals of Selling MGT- 250. Entrepreneurship and Small Business Management


ACC-251 Accounting for Business FIN- 251 Commercial Bank Management MKT -251 Customer Relationship Management MGT- 251 International Business


ACC-252 Advanced Financial Accounting FIN- 252 Foundations of Financial Institutions and Market MKT 252 Foreign Trade and Export Management in Nepal MGT- 252 Management of Industrial Relations


ACC-253 Advanced Auditing FIN -253. Fundamentals of Investment MKT -253 Fundamentals of Advertising MGT- 253 Productivity Management


ACC-254 Budgeting and Controlling of Profit FIN- 254 Insurance and Risk Management MKT- 254 Fundamentals of Services Marketing MGT -254 Quality Management

4 Year's B. Ed. 4th Year Exam Routine:


Subjects/Code No.


Compulsory Subjects / Code No. Ed. 442 (Classroom Instruction) / Ed.443 ICT in Edu./ Hist.Ed.444 (ICT in Hist.Edu.)/ Math. Ed. 444 (ICT in Math.Edu.) / Sc. Ed.444 (ICT in Science Edu.)


Major Subjects/ Code No. 445 Nep. Ed. (अनुसन्धान विधि _ / Eng. Ed. ( Research Methodology in Eng. Edu.)/ Math. Ed. (Linear Algebra & Vector Analysis) / Sc. Ed. (Chemistry IV) / HP. Ed. (School Health Program & Community Health Survey)/ Pop. Ed. (Fundamentals of Ageing)/ Geo. Ed. (Geo. Of Environment, Hazard & Disaster Mgmt.)/ Eco. Ed. (Managerial Eco. & Research in Eco.Edu.) / Hist. Ed. (Dawn of Democracy in Nepal (1950 to 2006) Pol. Sc. Ed. (Human Rights & Social Justice) /Ed. PM. (School Mgmt. Practices)


Major Subjects CodeNo.446 Nep. Ed. (व्यवहारिक लेखन तथा सम्पादन ) / Eng. Ed. (Literature for Language Development )/ Math. Ed. (Adv. Calculus)/ Sc. Ed.(Physics IV) / HP. Ed. (Sports Training in Physical Edu.)/ Pop. Ed. (Project Work &Seminar on Pop.Edu.)/ Geo. Ed. (Geographic Techniques) / Eco. Ed. (Population Economics) / Hist. Ed. Research Methodology in Hist.& Hist. Writing / Pol. Sc. Ed. (Election Politics in Nepal) / Ed. PM. (Social Justice Edu.)


Minor Subjects CodeNo.449 Nep. Ed. (व्यवहारिक लेखन तथा सम्पादन ) / Eng. Ed. (Literature for Language Development ) / Math. Ed. (Algebra) / Sc. Ed. (Animal Science IV)/ P. Ed. (Sports Training in Physical Edu.)/ Pop. Ed. (Project Work & Seminar on Pop.Edu.)/ Geo. Ed. (Geo. of Environment Hazard & Disaster Mgmt.) / Eco. Ed. (Population Economics) / Pol. Sc. Ed.(Election Politics of Nepal) / Ed.PM (School Mgmt. Practices)


Minor Subjects /Code No. 448 Sc. Ed. (Plant Science IV) / H. Ed. (School Health Program & Community Health Survey)

According to the same program, some students who had to take the 4th year of the 4th year undergraduate examination failed to fill the examination application form. Examiners of such campuses are entitled to a double fee from the date of publication of this notice; Campuses have completed the required application process by filling up the examination application form by 08th Mangsir 2077; This information has been published for the information of all concerned so that the examination application form can be submitted to the concerned Examination Control Office.


1) No further arrangements will be made for the candidates who are absent from the examination as per the above examination schedule.

2) In case of any unexpected leave, the examination will not be postponed without prior notice of TU.

3) If any of your subjects or papers to be taken in the examination are to be missed or encountered in the examination program, you shall inform this office within 7 days from the date of publication in Gorkhapatra. Otherwise, the examination will be held according to this schedule.

 4) Please contact your campus for an experimental test.

5) Log table, Goshwara Voucher, graph paper, chart, etc. required for the examination should be brought by the examinee himself and used with the prior approval of the Central Chairperson.

6) Within 1 month after the completion of the theoretical examination, the concerned campus must complete the experimental examination and submit the score, answer sheet, and attendance to this office.

7) Prohibited items such as mobile phones, smartwatch, Bluetooth, a digital diary will not be allowed to be taken inside the examination building. Otherwise, the Central Office may confiscate such goods.

8) As per the information to fill the examination application form, only the subjects prescribed by the rules and syllabus under TU should be filled in the examination application form and the examination should be given only after ascertaining which course is to be taken. Otherwise, the campus or the students will be responsible for it.

 9) If any examinee is blind, mentally retarded, or unable to write by hand due to serious hand-related disease if he/she is to be examined by an assistant writer as per Rule 267; On the basis of the disability identity card issued by the official body or the certificate certified by the doctor, 1 hour for 100 marks and half an hour for lesser integers will be extended.

10) The examination will be canceled automatically if the candidates who have applied for the examination center selection by the TU Examination office have taken the examination from other centers other than the center designated by TU. Also, due to the outbreak of Covid-19, the examination will be conducted on public holidays.

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